A Magisk module designed to seamlessly install Unicode Burmese fonts on Android phones that come pre-installed with ZawGyi Burmese fonts.
- Enhanced Speed and Safety: Unlike other root-based solutions, this module executes tasks safely, leveraging the systemless nature of Magisk modules.
Back in the day, Myanmar wasn't using Unicode. Before the Internet gained popularity, the Zawgyi font was developed, utilizing a visual typing and encoding method similar to writing on paper, rather than the logical linguistics and computer encoding conventions of Unicode.
In 2010, the elected government decided to transition to the Unicode standard. However, phones shipped with the old Zawgyi encoding became unusable, as news outlets and businesses had already migrated to Unicode to comply with new regulations. To simplify the migration process to the new Unicode system, I developed this Magisk module.
# Configs
# Installation Message
print_modname() {
ui_print "*******************************"
ui_print " Systemless Zawgyi "
ui_print "*******************************"
# Replace list
# Permissions
set_permissions() {
# The following is default permissions, DO NOT remove
set_perm_recursive $MODPATH 0 0 0755 0644
You can see the full project here
Technologies used to build : Shell